
夏天来了,经不住大雄(大原惠美 配音)的百般纠缠,哆啦A梦(水田山葵 配音)第一次同意带着小伙伴们来到南极,并建造了专属的南极乐园。 没想到这场消夏之旅,被偶然发现的金环打断,快乐的旅程就此中止,他们来到十万年前的南极。这一次,哆啦A梦面临生死考验,地球也面临全面冻结的危险。没有了哆啦A梦,小伙伴们只能团结一心,才能拯救地球! Continue reading “哆啦A梦:大雄的南极冰冰凉大冒险[HD][MP4][1.96G]”

Midnight Diner 2[MP4][1080P][3.85G]

When people finish their day and hurry home, his day starts. His diner is open from midnight to seven in the morning. They call it “Midnight Diner”. Pork, Miso soup combo, Beer, Sake and Shochu is all that he has on his menu. Nevertheless, he makes whatever his customers request. As long as he has the ingredients for it – That is his policy. Does he even have customers? More than you would expect.Written by Ohad Golani

Continue reading “Midnight Diner 2[MP4][1080P][3.85G]”