Onedrive Directory Index(Oneindex) is a php web application aims at sharing files on the OneDrive easily by using the Microsoft Graph API. This post will introduce the process of installing and the persistent storage With OpenShift that has not been mentioned yet. Continue reading “Install Oneindex on OpenShift Container Platform”
Microsoft Graph API
Microsoft Graph is a RESTful web API that enables you to access Microsoft Cloud service resources. After you register your app and get authentication tokens for a user or service, you can make requests to the Microsoft Graph API. Continue reading “Microsoft Graph API”
Duplicati – A Cross-Platform Web-UI Backup Software
Duplicati is a free, open source, backup client that securely stores encrypted, incremental, compressed backups on cloud storage services and remote file servers. It works with:Amazon S3, OneDrive, Google Drive, Rackspace Cloud Files, HubiC, Backblaze (B2), Amazon Cloud Drive (AmzCD), Swift / OpenStack, WebDAV, SSH (SFTP), FTP, and more! Continue reading “Duplicati – A Cross-Platform Web-UI Backup Software”
OneDrive for Business API
Microsoft has three api for OneDrive, one API for the personal OneDrive, one API for OneDrive for Business and the newer GraphAPI, which supports both OneDrive variants. I will introduce how to create the one API for OneDrive for Business. Maybe the next post for the GraphAPI Continue reading “OneDrive for Business API”
OneDrive For Business CLI
OneDrive For Business是目前国内可访问、不限速、容量最大的网盘。为了方便使用和建立自己的中转站,这里收集了相关CLI工具。 Continue reading “OneDrive For Business CLI”